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We were down..sorry!

Tony G

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Sorry everyone we were down for a day or so.

I moved the Domain to another host and the Nick and I had to change a few things, but we are good to go for another 10 years!

Tony Guaglione

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Anyone else having issues with the forums? I notice that most of the time it does not remember that I have logged in and checked "remember me". Also been noting that it opens a second window when i click the forum in addition to showing it in the window I was in to begin with. And part of that is it does not diplay the posts I have not read with the yellow icon, they all go instant white.



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That would be a Nick Steel or Brad Simpson call.

So boys can you help him out, I also had to sign in twice but never had to since I did it 2x a while ago, so it works fine for me now.

Tony Guaglione

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User error.


Mitch requested us to (and Tony threatened a DQ if I didn't) have the Forum link open a new window, so that's why that happens.


In regards to the "remember me" cookies and threads read, I (we) don't really control that (it's built-in to the PHPBB code). But the whole site was moved to another host, so it could be a cache thing. Make sure you're allowing cookies, clear both cache and history, yadda yadda...


By the way, Secret Squirrel sez if you like it the 'old' way, click on the Classifieds button first, it won't open in a new window.

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Anyone else having issues with the forums? I notice that most of the time it does not remember that I have logged in and checked "remember me". Also been noting that it opens a second window when i click the forum in addition to showing it in the window I was in to begin with. And part of that is it does not diplay the posts I have not read with the yellow icon, they all go instant white.





Same here.



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