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2010 schedule

Holster Maker

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Adam, Wow that 2010 schedule really sucks with 3 Infineons and only one Thunderhill for the north.

Count me out and I was really thinking about running all Thunderhills and BW. Now just one each! Terrible schedule.............

This schedule is going to really cut the car counts a lot more.

Who wants to go to hi dollar Infineon 3 times, not me!


very disappointed in this schedual

only four regional races for the whole year

how do we expect to grow the series and keep our current racers with so few races. ?

I was excited to get back into a summer of SOCAL CMC , but now will consider selling my car... cheep


If you look carefully at the schedule, you might rethink the notion of NASA not listening to the racers.


The most common item we heard was "we all want to race together". In 2009, it was hard to accomplish that, as we had competing event weekends - NorCal and SoCal had races on the same weekend, or events were back to back (like T-Hill last weekend, and BW this weekend).


For 2010, even though there is a NorCal and SoCal region, the schedule allows the entire CMC group to race together with no competing or back to back event weekends.


Carson - I know one of your big desires was for more events. There are now 8 event weekends to go race your friends in CMC. That's 20-24 races in one season!


IMO, it's a great mix, and I really look forward to seeing the CMC group racing together for 2010.


from an outsider looking in, i dont see the down side to this.

there is still a North/South Regional Championship and a West Coast Championship. if you run all the events you could win all 3! if the 4 events is not enough for your liking, run some w/ the other region. there are 4 to pick from.

as for not liking Infinion, count yourself blessed. i wish i had such nice tracks around me to be able to dislike that one.

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Adam, Mike, and Nick were all very much involved with NASA HQ discussions around what to do with the schedules, so were reps from AI and FFR. I think given what Cali has seen car count wise this is a fantastic schedule.


The reality is that for a host of reasons, the Cali drivers have attended, on average, 2.2 events this year. Some have attended four or five, but many have attended two or even one. Therefore, for those that cant travel, a short schedule of four events should be great since that is still twice as many as you probably attended this year. For those that can travel, the fact that there are no conflicts between north and south is tremendous since it allows you to pick between eight weekends!


On top of that remember two things:

1) This is a schedule for AI, CMC, and FFR...which means more of your fire breathing V8 friends to hang out with at the track

2) NASA has committed to three races per weekend for most of these weekends, so you will enjoy more race time per weekend than of late


Thanks to everyone that had a hand in this schedule. I think it is a good schedule and should make for much better fields than we had this year.


the whole reason for the socal / norcal split was for MORE LOCAL races

NOT FEWER in order to grow the fields

sure WE all would like more entries

BUT what is MORE obvious that WE dont want to haul 6-10 hours to git to the race

note: the WE is all inclusive ( norcal + socal )

We ,all of NASA , call ours selfs a GRASSROOTS organization , right ??

Howabout some transparency...

who exactly are the decision makers on this "schedule committee " ?

I think WE ALL deserve to know that


if car counts at the present time dont support more than 4 weekends per Regional Schedule, what do you want from NASA? car counts pay for the overhead.


i guess i would need to see more than just the North/South and West schedules to understand this more.


Hey Carson..........speaking of long drives, aren't you racing in Mexico this weekend ?? Come back and race with us....we miss your tall self !!!!


And Carson, nobody says you have to go to the norcal events, you can stay with the with four so cal events. I think was a great move.


I mean in theory with the less region days, it will encourage the guys to make these days rather than having to choose from 8. This, once again in theory, would make these fields larger.


well... like Ive said before

my disagreement with the schedule isn't about me personly

( Iam missing the last two BW events because Iam racin in Mexico , hauling 3000 kms to the start of race )

my disappointment is the limited cmc events locally ,both socal + norcal,

will do nothing to attract new members or help keep the current ones interested .


Isn't CMC at all of the SoCal events or did I miss something?

Isn't CMC at all of the SoCal events or did I miss something?


No, SoCal NASA runs a lot more events than that.


2) NASA has committed to three races per weekend for most of these weekends, so you will enjoy more race time per weekend than of late


Thanks to everyone that had a hand in this schedule. I think it is a good schedule and should make for much better fields than we had this year.


So what weekends are "most" for the three race deal? If was all, then I can see a real attraction to the schedule. If it's variable, like it is now, then not so much of a bonus.


2) NASA has committed to three races per weekend for most of these weekends, so you will enjoy more race time per weekend than of late


Thanks to everyone that had a hand in this schedule. I think it is a good schedule and should make for much better fields than we had this year.


So what weekends are "most" for the three race deal? If was all, then I can see a real attraction to the schedule. If it's variable, like it is now, then not so much of a bonus.


Three races per event are commited on the 4 Norcal events. CMC/AI/FFR Car count will determine the number of races in the Socal events. More cars means more racing. We tried to get a commitment to 4 races all around, but fell short.



the whole reason for the socal / norcal split was for MORE LOCAL races

NOT FEWER in order to grow the fields

sure WE all would like more entries

BUT what is MORE obvious that WE dont want to haul 6-10 hours to git to the race

note: the WE is all inclusive ( norcal + socal )

We ,all of NASA , call ours selfs a GRASSROOTS organization , right ??

Howabout some transparency...

who exactly are the decision makers on this "schedule committee " ?

I think WE ALL deserve to know that


The final decision makers on the schedule were Jerry and Ryan. They didn't act alone though, CMC's interests were represented by Adam and myself, AI's interest were represented by Todd and the FFR racers were represented by Karen and Rick. Jerry came up with the basic schedule concept. All agreed we wanted: a West Coast Championship, to keep it simple, provide a variety of tracks, have no north/south overlap in the schedule, balance the racing north and south and provide a "stay close to home" option. There were plenty of suggestions on tweaks to the schedule, but only so many options are possible when you consider the previously mentioned goals and the fact that the tracks have a lot to say about scheduling. One final thought, It is only October and we have a schedule.




I'm not upset with the schedule, but I'm not pleased either, so I guess it's a win!


This is basically the compromise schedule we did a few years ago. 1/2 NorCal, 1/2 SoCal. Only now there's regional championships.


The only change I would make is to remove the "drop" option. If you want the CA championship, you gotta show up every weekend.

One final thought, It is only October and we have a schedule.


Excellent point - lots of time to prepare/save your sheckles to race in 2010.


The only change I would make is to remove the "drop" option. If you want the CA championship, you gotta show up every weekend.


While I can understand this perspective, the reality here is simple - we're still amature racers, and consideration has to be given to family/work committments.


Dave B - I can understand your confusion, as your region operates like NASA TX - all the race series race at each regional event.


NASA SoCal has ~8 or so events per year, NorCal has ~10-11 events per year. Some events are HPDE only, some are HPDE+racing, some are another race series only (check out the next NorCal event - POC racing, HPDE4 and TT only). Not all racing series race at every event. I know Jerry has had events @ Laguna Seca (2008 was the last time they were there, IIRC), but they're typically just HPDE due to the noise requirements/costs.


Three races per event are commited on the 4 Norcal events. CMC/AI/FFR Car count will determine the number of races in the Socal events. More cars means more racing. We tried to get a commitment to 4 races all around, but fell short.


All agreed we wanted: a West Coast Championship, to keep it simple, provide a variety of tracks, have no north/south overlap in the schedule, balance the racing north and south and provide a "stay close to home" option.


So NorCal gets 12 races, SoCal gets 8 if car counts are low. Most CMC cars are NorCal as we all know. How can any SoCal driver be competive to someone getting 4 more racing with the exact same number of events other than attending all eight races?


Am I the only one seeing this? MAJOR advantage to the NorCal drivers from the get go.


We all have agreed in the past that eight weekends was way too much and seven much better if we get a drop making six.

Eight with a drop and extra races in NorCal is just not right.


If there will be a West Coast Champ and the big dogs agreed as posted my Mike (Ryan and Jerry were mentioned), they need to make it three races every weekend for every CMC race, NorCal and SoCal, period.

Don't want to commit to that, then do away with the West Coast Champ.


Give us all three races per weekend or no West Coast Champ. That is the only fair way unless someone has something I'm missing. I shouldn't be pentalized a race on a weekend if other drivers don't show up.


Hopefully the FFR and AI drivers will catch this also.



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Valid points Kevin. Lets say there are 12 norcal and 8 socal races. Thats 20 total and 4 drops. As a norcal driver if you go to all norcal events and two socal events thats 20 races in six events. As a socal driver if you go to all socal events thats 8 so you need to go to three norcal events to get to the minimum number of races...but then you've have competed in one race that you drop instead of dropping zeroes...


my brain hurts!


Let me spin this around some more


That schedule looks like any historical California schedule before the NorCal/SoCal split.


Looks like you've got the opportunity for a "Mini-Championship" in 2 regions or "Supersize" for the whole enchilada.


Choices are a good thing...I'm surprised the other regions in other states aren't looking for the same thing.

  • 1 month later...
I see NASA now has a different schedual for 2010


The CMC/AI/FFR West Coast schedule has not changed.

  • 3 weeks later...

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