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Oil pan skid plate legality?

codename Bil Doe

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Is there specific wording in the CCR or ST rules which allow a skid plate to protect low oil pans? If not, could it be added?

This would apply more to lower ST classes and BTM aero, not non-production mod builds.

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  • National Staff

There is no specific rule regarding skid plates for oil pans.   So, there is nothing banning them specifically. 

However, as you stated, if someone were to put a "skid plate" on an ST4-6 vehicle (all have Aero limitations like this--"1) Flat undertray/belly pan forward of the centerline of the front axle, extending no lower than the bottom of the front fascia.") that functions as an Aero device, that would be a prohibited modification.  I think this is one of those items where if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a damn duck, not a platypus.  Adding a more specific rule is likely to just invite shenanigans.   So, if you want to put on a skid plate, just make sure that nobody would confuse it with an Aero device (swiss cheese metal is one idea that comes to mind).

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