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Deleting a duplicate but incorrect Compliance form from data base

Grant Ellis

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I currently have TWO TT3 compliance forms on the NASA Nationals data base. One of them is incorrect, when the shop figured the AVG HP somehow my driver weight got entered twice!

So I have learned this year you always go first thing and check your weight on the scales they are using. So caught this error on test and tune day. Corrected Avg HP to agree with my true weight. Now I have the problem above. Is there a way I can delete the incorrect one or will someone from NASA need to do that for me? Also I need to submit the correct one to the Central region and the Texas region.  I am not finding on the form where I can just change the region and re-submit.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Grant Ellis

PS. To a total new guy it seems like there should only be one database for all of the regions to use. As I understand it currently I have to submit to EVERY region I run in this year?

Might be a good reason for this, just seems like a lot of work for customers of NASA.

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What is the submission ID of the incorrect submission? 

In regards to editing your submission, you should have received an email which would have had the link to edit your submission. You can request a new link by following up the guide below:

This is an only database that we have, separated by Views of different regions. If you go to another region, all you have to do it is to edit your submission with the correct region in place. It take three click. Click on the edit link, change the region, and click submit.

Hope this helps.



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