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Can I have a buddy in the back seat when doing HPDE1 with an instructor?

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My friend is thinking about taking HPDE1, but is not fully sure if he wants to take his car just yet. Can he sit in the back seat while I do my first HPDE1 with the instructor in the front passenger seat?

My car is a fully stock interior e46 330i.


I'm not an instructor but fairly confident that this is NOT allowed. Why doesn't your friend just sign up with his own car? HPDE1 is very slow and safe compared to the graduated groups. I've been in hpde for 15 months. I was very timid and slow my first day (irritated my instructor) and I complained a lot afterward that I thought it was too fast. LOL. But, I've graduated to group 3 and haul ass now in a way that would have terrified myself one year ago. I have no intention of doing w2w competition--I'm strictly for casual weekend fun. Just thought I would add that to help you & your friend go through with it. One more thing: If your friend is worried about damaging his car, just get Haggerty track day insurance for peace of mind.



HPD1 and 2 cannot have passengers, except for instructors.


HPD3 and 4 can have a passenger in the front seat.
pretty sure no-one is ever allowed in the back seat.

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