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Apparent fraud from a NASA referred Vendor?


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I placed an order on July 12, 2006 from Primm Racing Direct through a direct link on the NASA Member's Benefits screen. Primm Racing was listed on the Member's Benefits page as a NASA approved vendor. I ordered a Sparco suit, gloves, balaclava, and neck support, and mailed a check To Primm Racing for $593.00 on July 13, 2006. Since that date I've only received a response to one e-mail, 6 weeks ago, when Dante Primm stated the order had been sent to the warehouse, with no promised shipping date. My check was cashed by Primm Racing in July. In the last three months I've placed 8 phone calls to Primm Racing and get the same automated reply:" All circuits are busy", and also sent 4 e-mails, NONE of which has been replied to. Does NASA bear some ethical and/or financial responsibility for referring NASA members to a preferred vendor on a company web-page? What's the solution to this problem, and will NASA attempt to rectify this problem so NASA members aren't the victims of apparent fraud? Anyone else get harmed by this company? Primm Racing contact number is (949) 375-4404. Company address is Primm Racing Direct, 23392 Bolivar, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Will NASA help? I AM at the point where I'm considering filing a felony fraud claim with the Dept of Justice Internet Fraud Division, and with local police here in Santa Fe, NM AND in Mission Viejo. Thanks.

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Ouch, while I cannot do anything specifically to provide financial relief of your situation, I can help by going to the physical location later this week if you would like. Have you filed any kind of claim with your bank?


I called the number you provided and it apears to be a non-working number. It may be possible they are no longer in business.


I checked a mapquest and it is about 30 minutes from my location, it also appears to be in a residential area. (cant really say from a map)


I dont know if this will help at all. Very unfortunate to have happened to you. I dont think NASA can be help accountable for their affliation. I am sure they are just as upset to hear about such news as well.

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I actually think it IS in a residential area. Dante Primm sounded like a very nice fellow when I placed the order 2+ months ago, and suggested he was using his home rather than a commercial space. Also stated he was only continuing the business as a service to the racing community: that he could maintain low business expenses as a small businessman and sell race supplies cheaply. And stated he was going back to a tech job because he couldn't make sufficient money running Primm Racing, and just run it as a sideline. Probably that should've warned me off, but I really believe in supporting small businesses, so I didn't listen to my instincts. If the fellow simply replied to e-mails or had a working phone and worked out some sort of payback scheme with me I'd be happy. I'm hoping someone on the Administrative level with NASA will see this thread and suggest some solutions or perhaps intervene on behalf of this NASA member because my order was placed as a result of linking from the NASA web-site. The Rocketeer link, for example, hooks up to a great fellow's business: a track enthusiast with an eclectic collection of cars and an appreciation for amateur racing. Watch out for bargains might be the operative lesson here.

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It's amazing to me that no-one from NASA has even attempted to contact me about the problems one if their vendors is causing with NASA members . Maybe I need NOT to be part of this organization. If this type of thing occurred with the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) there would be proactive action by AMA administrators.

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Primm Racing was listed on the Member's Benefits page as a NASA approved vendor.


Has it been removed or did I just not see it?


Does NASA bear some ethical and/or financial responsibility for referring NASA members to a preferred vendor on a company web-page?


A company comes to NASA and offers members discounts and you expect NASA to do what? How much time and money do you expect them to put forth investigating these companies? What criteria should they meet in order to be allowed to offer a bunch of race car drivers a 5% discount on goods and services?


It's amazing to me that no-one from NASA has even attempted to contact me about the problems one if their vendors is causing with NASA members


Well, you have to admit, they've been kinda busy lately. Did you send an e-mail to the address at the bottom of the Member Benefit page?


If you'd like to contact NASA regarding a discount program, email [email protected].



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On behalf of NASA, I do have to apologize for not keeping you up to date on what we've been doing to try and resolve this issue. We have tried to contact Mr. Primm to see what was going on and we also have been unable to get a response. As such, we've removed any and all reference to his company and we'll keep trying to advocate for you to get Mr. Primm to do the right thing here. We try to make sure vendors we list are doing a good job for the members and we did intially have some good reports about Primm Racing. However, it seems that they are now not treating our members well, so we've removed the listing and will warn others off if they ask unless they can turn things around with you. Again, sorry for not keeping you up to date but we will keep trying to do what we can to help.






John Lindsey

Chief Divisional Director

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Thanks John, that's the kind of help I was hoping for. Family tragedy or not, we all have to try to act in an ethical way. My faith in NASA was tested a bit, but you've help restore it. I'm still trying to figure out if I should call Mission Viejo, CA Police and file a complaint .



On behalf of NASA, I do have to apologize for not keeping you up to date on what we've been doing to try and resolve this issue. We have tried to contact Mr. Primm to see what was going on and we also have been unable to get a response. As such, we've removed any and all reference to his company and we'll keep trying to advocate for you to get Mr. Primm to do the right thing here. We try to make sure vendors we list are doing a good job for the members and we did intially have some good reports about Primm Racing. However, it seems that they are now not treating our members well, so we've removed the listing and will warn others off if they ask unless they can turn things around with you. Again, sorry for not keeping you up to date but we will keep trying to do what we can to help.






John Lindsey

Chief Divisional Director

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  • 1 month later...
Is his business the same as the one I see for bicycles?

He has a bicycle business? I know about this site:



But if he has something else - let me know.


Anyway, just to close as many loops as I can, this guy scammed at least three people (Me and two others who found me via NASIOC) and I'm now in touch with Irish1.


Some of our stories:



As always anyone who has any information (who I have not already contacted) please email me: [email protected].




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