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Full update wil come in a bit, but lets just say this. Mounting the transponder in the rear bumper would have been a bad choice for a couple of racers this weekend.


Can you say Photo finish?


Hi Joe,

Here is some close racing -

What did you and Norm's laps look like?http://www.mylaps.com/results/newLapResult.jsp?id=435880&pos=3&comparepos=4

I know you two had a close race race but I didn't have time to watch ;


you may see me Nov if I'm lucky but my motor is toast after 5 hrs-




Paul I can't get the link to work, but Mike toldme you guys had great race too. Sorry about the motor.


But at the end well how far is 0.107 of second at 105 MPH?


Posted (edited)
But at the end well how far is 0.107 of second at 105 MPH?


0.0291666 Miles. Sorry, that was how far for 1 second. So, make that 0.0031208 Miles.



Edited by Guest

Oktoberfest at PIR




The October 14, 15 event at PIR marked the start of the home stretch of Az championship points series. Cooler weather was instore as well as some very close racing action.


Saturday started with rain. I arrived at the track to set-up at 6:30 am and had rain along the drive down to the track. 8 am was the first Practice for Race Group A and the track was cold, wet and it was like driving on ice. At the end of the session a dry line was forming, but lap times were still 4-5 seconds off the pace.


By the 2nd practice session the track was dry and times were much more representative being in the mid- to upper 1:13 for the fast guys. For qualifying I figured it would be good to run all the 5 944 spec guys over the scales. I knew all the racers, but it would be good show that “rules countâ€




Vince and I griddled up in spots 17 and 18, but thanks to a small overall field were only a couple cars back from the Norm’s class pole. The green dropped and the chase began. We got by Steve Sapareto who was having a bad time of it racing on only a few hrs sleep. Then it pulled a gap to Vince as worked around a former Bondurant school mustang and an E30 BMW. Within 2-3 laps I looked up and saw Glenn down the end of the straight. In spite of the needing to fight through traffic Glenn & Norm had not checked out. I knew I still had chance if I drove fast & consistent. Over the next 4-5 laps I slowly started closing the gap each lap taking out a few tenths. Then the defining moment of the race came. Going through the turn 7 carousel I looked up to see the fast E36 M3 trailing smoke around the oval. He had blown up and was dumping oil on the track. With caution I entered the oval looking for oil. At the entry the oil was up high but he crossed the main line as he ran into the pits. Glenn about 5 car lengths in front hit this oil at about 100 mpg flat out. The car wiggled and did a quarter spin. Glenn saved it, but it was a heart stopping moment as I later learned he never knew the there could be oil there. I when through the oil and my car stepped sideways, but being prepared made all the difference and maintaining my momentum and drove by Glenn on the main straight to take 2nd in the class.


My sights were now set on Norm who was just about a main straightaway’s length in front. Next lap the oil flag was out and the oil was still nasty and I also most lost it as the back end stepped out this time. Glenn had pulled off track to check his shorts and catch his breath and then the double yellow’s came out for a track clean up. At the restart only a E46 M3 separated me from Norm. Could I pull of a win after starting in the back? Well that answer was no thanks to that Mustang I passed earlier. He was right behind on the restart and simply pulled me going into turn 1. Unfortunately his cornering speed was rather poor and I got held up badly. Looking in my mirrors I saw the red #10 of Vince Vaccaro all over my tail. While it was only two laps from the restart to the checker those were some long two laps as I tried to get around the mustang that was holding be back and keep Vince at bay. Last trip out of 9 Vince got a run and attempted to pull along side entering the oval. I held a tight line and was able to hold Vince back to the tune do 0.2 seconds at the line. Finish order was Norm, Joe, Vince, Steve, and Glenn 2 laps back, but still running. That was the closest race finish I had been a part of in some 59 races. I did think it could get much close than that, but then Sunday was a new day.


PART 3….


Sunday dawned cool and dry. It only took 2 laps to feel the power in the cool air and grip in the track. With ease I was running laps faster than I had the day before. Of course a couple minor chassis adjustments helped too, but the course was fast. Norm when out in TT session and after 3 laps ripped of a 1:12.7. This was a new track record for TTD so Norm decided to be a Time trailer on Sunday as well as racer.


As the day went on the track and air warmed up and as often happens at PIR the track slowed down. I estimate I was quicker than Saturday by a couple tenths, but otherwise very much the same. My car however was quite a bit better due to the adjustments I make during practice that day. Vince also picked up some speed recording his first sub 1:15 lap. It seems that after fighting a struggling car he has the car set-up reasonably well and is turning solid times.


I had chance to use Glenn as my “rabbitâ€



I passed the E30 on the next lap going through 2 and set my sights on Glenn. He was having nice battle with Norm at the time I could only hope that their dicing would slow them enough that I could keep up or even catch up. Well it worked as with in a couple laps I was on Glenn’s rear bumper and he had to start driving in front and behind. The 3 of ran close like this for 10 laps. Norm slowly pulled a car length or two as Glenn had to defend position. I had more car then Glenn, and simply waited for him to make mistake. For me just to finish close like this was victory so there was no need to force the issue. I could also see Glenn working very hard in trying to hold me off and I was banking on him making a mistake. Over this time I took stock where I though I had and edge and were he seemed strong. I make a couple looks, but with nothing solid so I waited. Then my moment came.


We had a faster car looking to pass our 3 car train. I was in no way going to let him get between Glenn and I as that might have been the end for me. So that faster car had to wait and on the main straight pull in to s 2 car length gap between Norm and Glenn. The now 4 car train rocketed around turns 2, 3, 4 and 5 and then Glenn made his mistake entering the carousel. He got it a bit wrong for the fast left causing him to blow the entry to carousel. I saw my chance and pulled on the side of 7. He recovered well and we went side by side through the turn 8 pinch point were I left him room. Of course this put me on outside entering braking zone of 9 and left Glenn in the stronger position. Realizing this I let Glenn brake deep into 9 he took a wide exit. I braked early and took a tight exit and this I found myself side by side on the exit of 9, but with me on stronger inside position. Glenn’s very old beat to hell tired motor was down on power and I knew I had him at this point as pulled in front in the banking. My only concern was turn 1 & 2 where Glenn has always been very strong. So I made a point to take it fast, but safe through 1 and 2 hugging the inside wall forcing a Glenn to try an outside move. I almost lost it all as right at the end of turn 2 the car stepped out a tiny bit and I lost some momentum. Thankfully for me I was already around the corner and since the track was so narrow at this point Glenn had no track space to take advantage of this small bobble. After this I felt the pass had finally stuck. As I exited turn 9 I looked back in the mirrors assuming Glenn would be there, but Glenn’s old, tired, beat to hell motor seems to have finally expired and he pulled into the pits.


I then set my sights on Norm who was 3 car lengths in front at this time. That very same BMW that held me up at the start then played a role one again. He passed me under power out of 9 and promptly held me up all through the in field. Then he passed Norm and did the same thing to him. Fair is fair I figured, but he ended up hold up Norm for 2 laps and that gave me a couple car lengths back so now I was in striking distance of Norm. Norm was fast and smooth and I really did not have anything for him. My only hope was a large mistake, but although he drove defensively it was never on the limit enough to give me hope. I resigned myself to be happy with 2nd, but on the last lap in last place I had a chance my opportunity came. Norm strangely missed shift coming out of turn 9. This would hurt his speed all the way to the finish line. I closed up right to his bumper and unfortunately had to lift just a little to clear him. As we came out of 9 I tried to pull him going into the oval, but he held a small edge. As we rounded the exit of the oval I was inches off his bumper and attempted to draft pass by him. Instead of making my normal 6000 rpm shift to 5th I rode 4th for all she was worth in mad dash to the line and it almost worked. I heard Norm go into 5th and my car surged along side. However the finish line came too soon. As Norm crossed the line 0.107 seconds in front of my accelerating car which 50 yards later surged in front.


Wow from a 0.217 2nd over 3rd on Saturday to 0.107 loss to first on Sunday close racing was the order of the weekend for me. Steve came in 3rd, Vince struggled to get by that same Bondurant mustang and finished 4th. Glenn sadly will be retiring the old yeller war wagon. Rode hard and put up wet was the order for ole #44 and it performed a heck of a lot better than it ever should have for countless races starting in 2002. Glenn’s new car was out for some testing and if he can get the suspension dialed in like the yellow/black war wagon it should be very competitive car.

Posted (edited)

This post reserved for pictures!


Here some pictures. Not the best, but they are what I have for now.



Joe, the E30 BMW and Bondurant mustang in the write up.



Vince (red) and Steve (white)



Norm with some faster traffic behind



Joe with faster traffic



Norm, the slow E46 Rolex GT M3, Joe, Bondurant mustang all under yellow before Saturday's restart



Norm & the E46 M3



E46 M3 & Joe

Edited by Guest

Thanks for the great read Joe. Great racing!


FYI - .107 seconds at 105mph is 1.88 inches

Thanks for the great read Joe. Great racing!


FYI - .107 seconds at 105mph is 1.88 inches


Dang I was thinking it was 1 foot

Thanks for the great read Joe. Great racing!


FYI - .107 seconds at 105mph is 1.88 inches


Sounds like you need tohang your transponder off your front tow hook.



Thanks for the great read Joe. Great racing!


FYI - .107 seconds at 105mph is 1.88 inches


Sounds like you need tohang your transponder off your front tow hook.




Hmm I have the transponder in the front wheel well near the front. This would have been the perfect time for the James bond transponder on a stick. Press the button and move the transponder forward by 2 feet.


Well, HOLY CRAP, again!


Great race report, Joe! I felt like I was there.

It's so good to hear about CLOSE racing in nearly identical cars.....

I remember in 2003 at Arizona Motorsports Park, we had 8 out of 16 944 spec cars within the same second !

That's the promise of 944 spec!

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