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data acquisition fun with mikael, tim & greg

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Greg & I ask Mikael and Tim if they could test drive/critique our cars and gather DAS info on them.


Mikael was driving Greg's #43 car and Tim my #89 car.


Here's the data: (you can click on the links to download to your computer)





To view/analyze the data you'll need the traqview application software available here:




* After starting the traqview program, click on the Folder icon to open and select the directory where you downloaded the above .tqm files

* the names Mikael & Tim were not programmed into our units so we just pick a driver name from the list. Mikael would show up as driver "Dan" in the data and Tim would show up as driver "Jonathan".

* Tim only recorded about 3 hot laps (first/last laps are not selected).



Thank you so much for posting this. Talk about information overload It takes some time to make sense of all the data.

Very nice meeting you and Greg and thanks for the great raffle prizes.

I'm looking forward to racing with you guys a next year at Infinion.



I'm looking at it but the data doesn't look right. Was the logger level in the car? The accel G line looks wrong, no way 0.8G acceleration is right and again a 0.4G braking number is pretty bad. I'd expect around 0.3G in a spec 944 accelerating and offseting the brake number then we'd get around 0.9G which might be right but still seems low to me. Lateral Gs look ok.


As a comparison, a 996 3.4L accelerates at around 0.4 ish G, brakes at 1.2G and does around 1.4G lateral.


I'd be interested in Tims comments on the car. Were the tires grippy etc? I'm buying a car from Tim and am wondering how it'll compare with my 996 ignoring acceleration.

  • 2 weeks later...



It was very nice meeting you and thanks again to you and Tim for testing our cars. It's good to see experience racers behind the wheels of our cars and demonstrate what the car is capable of. I know both of you were not going 10/10 but still very good times and helpful data.




Sorry for the late response but been on vacation.

We just had the units on the passenger floorboard attached with velcro.

I nevered put a leveler on it to see if it's level and just eyeball the front to rear orientation. If it's slightly off I won't be surprise.

Another winter project to get a bracket for it and level it.

Please keep in mind neither Mikael nor Tim were going all out in our cars, it would have been interesting to get data on Mikael and Tim in their own cars.


I'm not a DAS expert on interpreting the data to actually tune a car with it.

I use the data for a slightly different purpose, what I found helpful is looking at the entry/exit speed of the major turns to see how fast they can be taken at. The Velocity vs. Distance graph is good tool for this.




The corresponding Velocity vs. Time.



The corresponding driving lines for this one lap comparison.

Tim (black line) did a 2:15.7 in my car and traveled 15396.9 ft for the lap.

Mikael (red line) did a 2:16.9 in Greg's car and traveled 15266.0 ft. for the lap.

Greg (blue line) did a 2:19.4 in his car and traveled 15336.7 for the lap.



All the reasons you are using it as why I made the trackpedia web site. We have information on many tracks with different cars and driver skill levels. Which reminds me, I gotta send Tim a logger...

All the reasons you are using it as why I made the trackpedia web site. We have information on many tracks with different cars and driver skill levels. Which reminds me, I gotta send Tim a logger...


Bunch of 944's going to Willow this weekend.


Bunch of 944's going to Willow this weekend.


I didn't see an event at Willow on the schedule for this weekend, but if you are taking your specs, FYI-I just checked the weather for Lancaster, tonight and it will be 16F and the weekend will be in the mid 20's at night which MIGHT be safe for radiators with no anti-freez, (water wetter does not prevent freezing) if it drops to the teens that could cause problems and if you have really thick oil, not multi grade that could be ugly too. Might want to take some type of heater to put under your block over night.


If you have to choose between Willow this weekend and PIR next weekend, I know it will be warmer than the teens in Phoenix, I hope you guys can make it out, we have a couple of newbies doing the DE and it would be nice to have big showing from out there.


By the way, the charts look really cool and helpful,


Norman #99


I am heading out to Kauai today and will be back for our race Dec 9,10. Sunday the 3rd I will be 50 and have been celebrating for a couple of weeks now on race tracks and various other places, so for the big day I'm gonna be on a beach with the ole girl friend or maybe trying to ride a 25 foot waive. Diving will be a must!!! (use your imagination on that one)



I'm shipping two data loggers to button willow this weekend. Two should be enough to get a fair bit of data from different driver/car combinations. The spec cars should be interesting to show differences in driver.


Here is data from a good driver (Kary Clements) in a modded Porsche 993.




Once we gather data then we can compare everyone to everyone, should be fun.


If you want the logger in the car then you need a cigarette lighter functional for power. Some lighter receptables are 'dodgy' so if it doesn't click in snuggly then duct tape is your best friend.


The GPS has a magnet and attaches on top of the roof. The unit itself needs to be secured to something level with the X in the G2X logo facing forward.


There is velcro on the bottom of the unit. We look for carpet or take a seat cushion off a sports seat like Recaros and it'll stick happily to the chair then. If all else fails then duck tape...


I'll post all the info including raw data on trackpedia.com next week.


PS, if any spec cars get the logger then I'd appreciate knowing which brake pad you use. Be interesting to compare them.



If anyone has video of a session with the logger then please pm me and I can splice the data on top, data with video completely rocks!



If anyone has video of a session with the logger then please pm me and I can splice the data on top, data with video completely rocks!



I will certainly have video setup so, will try to maybe do a session or two with it on. I did announce that we were trying to get several different cars, but also intend to try out a couple different 944 Spec cars.



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