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California Speedway Friday TT day!

Pat L.

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SoCal, NorCal, AZ, et al: In case you guys were under a rock and missed Greg's e-mail regarding the fact that Time Trial lost its TT-only run group that weekend (boo, hiss), we now have a chance to redeam ourselves by signing up for a Friday TT group. I'm sure we all got a lot of rest over the off season, but now it's time to get back in gear and it all starts in a few short weeks. The Friday TT day is not reflected on the registration page, but you can do what I did and sign up for the Test and Tune in conjunction with an e-mail to Greg informing him you'd like to run in the TT group. I think Greg said we need 30 TTers to sign up... strap one on fellas


Greg, please fill in any gaps here.

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We will be having a TT competition on Saturday and Sunday, but there will be some HPDE 4 drivers and non-TT instructors in the group. That wouldn't be an issue, except that because of those other drivers, the group is now full, and we don't have the huge TT participant count that we expected. Also, there are a bunch of TT drivers that wanted to compete on Sat/Sun, but now are on a rapidly growing large waiting list.


So, for most of those drivers on the waiting list, there will be no luck for them joining the competition on Sat/Sun. Hopefully, many of the drivers registered for HPDE 4 (and instructors) will end up competing in TT anyway so we have big TT class fields. But, that won't help the many "regular" SoCal TT participants that missed the boat.


We now have the opportunity to have a "for-points" TT competition on Friday, with our own run group. This will only happen if I get e-mails from at least 30 drivers ASAP (but at the latest 2-22-07) that want to compete on Friday. If we have an overwhelming number of drivers, we could possibly even get two TT run groups, but let's just see if there is enough interest to run the event to begin with. Pricing and number of run sessions/length of session are all yet to be determined. But, the current Test and Tune fee for Friday is $200, and if I remember correctly, that got each driver five or six 30-minute sessions last year. Pricing will be less than the $200 if we end up with less track time than the guys doing the Test and Tune. If we do the Friday competition, I will be adding one more "drop" event to the SoCal TT Championship series, so that those that cannot attend will not be penalized.


I haven't looked at all of the e-mail replies I've received yet, but I think we are about halfway to our 30 minimum for Friday. If you are interested in participating on Friday, or want to join the masses on the Sat/Sun waiting list, send your e-mail to me now.

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