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Newb with some Q's

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Hi I introduced my self a couple weeks ago and I have been reading a little. My question is.... How hard are the tech inspections to pass. I want to attend some HPDE's but My sports car is broken right now and I have a 85 accord currently. The accord runs like a champ but has it's flaws. It slightly leaks fuel:fixable, burns oil: not going to fix, eats PS fluid some how: not fixing. Now as much as I dont want to I COULD buy a car for it separatley. I was going to buy a escort GT for very cheap and race it in the hornet class on a dirt circle track but my recent intrest in this could lead me to make it a track car. It is a very good car. 120k well maintained and it just has some grody interior and suffers the wrath of IL winter roads. I REALLY want to build a DSM but I am thinking of using a simple car to get my feet wet before I embark upon an adventure like the DSM. Thanks much guys!!!


P.S I got my trial issue of Grassroots!!!!

Hi I introduced my self a couple weeks ago and I have been reading a little. My question is.... How hard are the tech inspections to pass. I want to attend some HPDE's but My sports car is broken right now and I have a 85 accord currently. The accord runs like a champ but has it's flaws. It slightly leaks fuel:fixable, burns oil: not going to fix, eats PS fluid some how: not fixing. Now as much as I dont want to I COULD buy a car for it separatley. I was going to buy a escort GT for very cheap and race it in the hornet class on a dirt circle track but my recent intrest in this could lead me to make it a track car. It is a very good car. 120k well maintained and it just has some grody interior and suffers the wrath of IL winter roads. I REALLY want to build a DSM but I am thinking of using a simple car to get my feet wet before I embark upon an adventure like the DSM. Thanks much guys!!!


P.S I got my trial issue of Grassroots!!!!

Leaks = BAD!

Burning oil = you better watch that or you will be towing it home


PS fluid is going someplace. Put white paper under it and look for the red ( assuming it uses ATF for the PS)


The ps fluid is not ATF fluid. But it does not leak on the ground and there is no sign of it in the engine bay, So I just add and drive. I dont want to take this to any HPDE's I plan on buying that escort. You have to keep in mind it is just my work car so I really dont car much about what it does...... The escort does not have very much product for it but its the gt so it has a little gusto on the other side of the pedal. O also thought about picking up a little festiva for a track car. They are so light I bet they could handle pretty well. An engine swap would prove effective also LOL. There is much out there that is "fast" after driving my DSM all the time.


I'm totally confused. So what are you currently thinking of driving on the track?


Check out the 'for sale' section for a slew of very affordable race-prepped cars!




I plan on driving either a escort or a festiva.

I would still like to know how strict the inspection is on the car.


I have never been and never will be the kind to buy a built car. I hvae never had someone else change my oil or any other part on my car.

I plan on driving either a escort or a festiva.

I would still like to know how strict the inspection is on the car.


I have never been and never will be the kind to buy a built car. I hvae never had someone else change my oil or any other part on my car.

Ok I see what you're saying. Keep several things in mind: if your car craps out on you ON track, you mess up everybody else's day [potentially]. If it drops fluid of any kind, you probably will stop the session and have to pay for however many bags of kitty litter/oil dry it takes to clean it up. Also if the car breaks, and you drove it to the track, you have whole other set of problems. Basically if your car passes a state inspection [as a generality] you will most likely be ok w/ a NASA inspection. No loose wires, no leaking fluids, no stuff that will fall off the car, etc.


My Mustang GT blew a head gasket last time at VIR. Fortunately it was on the last lap and it made it safely to the paddock and didn't [to my knowledge] dump anything on the track...and it took an unexpected ride on the trailer home. Basically, you're protecting yourself and everybody else from the consequences of your car breaking. Make sense?


This is just a 'layman's' perspective and in the end, consult the rules [CCRs] and your local tech folks in your region.


Once you're all set on the tech part, get out there and have fun! Drop an SHO motor in the back seat and blast away lol.



I have never been and never will be the kind to buy a built car. I hvae never had someone else change my oil or any other part on my car.
I am the same way. Partially through prepping my own car..... buy a complete car.

Ok I see what you're saying. Keep several things in mind: if your car craps out on you ON track' date=' you mess up everybody else's day [potentially']. If it drops fluid of any kind, you probably will stop the session and have to pay for however many bags of kitty litter/oil dry it takes to clean it up.

I broke on track last week. I didn't spill any fluids and drove (plowed) the car off track to a safe area near a flag stand. I still felt like crap when the session was ended early partially because of me.
Also if the car breaks, and you drove it to the track, you have whole other set of problems.
That was almost a big problem for me.

I would never take a car to the track unless it were in perfect mechanical condition. The tech inspection should be the least of your worries: leaks can cause accidents, failures could result in (at best) a long tow home or (at worst) serious injuries you don't even want to think about.


I agree with the tech side of the posts here....


If your leaking, losing or have vanishing fluids...It has to be going somewhere. Would be a good idea to find out where.


The biggest thing I would be concerned with is the fuel leak. Thats just outright dangerous in any situation. Second is the oil leak. Thats bad for other drivers on the track.


I wish I could think of something to add to this...but most everything is covered here. The only thing I could add...find a friend that has a truck and trailer in an emergency just in case if you or anyone is driving to and from the track.


One other thing for everyone....


if you drive your car to the track, go ahead and buy the Uber AAA plan with the really long distance towing plan....it is a good value if you ever need it.

One other thing for everyone....


if you drive your car to the track, go ahead and buy the Uber AAA plan with the really long distance towing plan....it is a good value if you ever need it.

Good point. I looked this up a couple weeks ago (after Jon's car lost the headgasket). Standard AAA used to give you 20 or 25 miles, it's now 3 miles or to the base for the tow truck. The premium package gets you 100miles. At $1.50/mile (may be higher now) that could save you a pile if you have to get towed beyond the 3 or 100 mile range.

Also keep in mind the EV crews working NASA events may be available for after-hours busted car transport.



I would still like to know how strict the inspection is on the car.

"strict" isnt the proper word. Yes, NASA is strict about safety on and off the track. There is a tech sheet available for download in the "forms" section on the main site. Also, have you been to the HPDE website? Everything you need to know.


But with regards to the original question, go through the tech form and make sure all items are checked over.


I have never been and never will be the kind to buy a built car. I hvae never had someone else change my oil or any other part on my car.

I know how you feel as I have always felt the same way. I have started to lean toward buying a sorted car, alot of the work is done for you at a huge savings. You only need to sort things out to your liking. It really depends on what you wish to accomplish. Do you want to be a driver or a car builder?


Best of luck getting out to the track.




One other thing for everyone....

Buy a trailer.



as you're picking a car, remember what the original design intent of the car was - escort and festiva were designed by engineers, then redesigned by the bean counters - they are el cheapo econoboxes. You would be toast if you rolled a festiva. Cars like the BMW e30 3 series were expensive cars when they were new, designed to handle, and can be picked up for a couple grand now.



... You would be toast if you rolled a festiva. ...


That would be a good reason to install a cage, good seats and harnesses.


I was once into E30's and I love them. But I wouldt want want to make a race car...too nice. Also the festiva is a good option for road racing. It only weighs about 1700 to 1900 lbs and has some suspension options. Also it has a easy turbo engine swap. If I could get ahold of a cheap DSM I would be building that but latley it seems like everyone wants them. A DSM would be the best choice for ME considering I Can fix it easily.


I started in HPDE last year with a beater mustang. I would definitely recomend getting it in good running order BEFORE you take it to the track (learn from my experience, a few $k and a year later I made it to Cal Speedway and 200+ fast miles later it ran when I put it on the trailer, what a great feeling!). reliable on the street is only the first step. You will push it harder on the track than on the freeway, if its questionable on the road, DONT take it to the track.

learn to work on whatever it is, unless your budget is way bigger than mine . change all the fluids, hoses (including rubber brakes lines), pads, etc. new oil/fluids all around. Flush the radiator (get a new one if there is any question). if its a dedicated track car, use distilled water and a water-wetter, its less slippery if it gets on the track. Know how it works, or become good friends with your mechanic. If its questionable before you start, there won't be any question after (half) a day at the track!

Also, get Dave Grans excellent book "Go Ahead - Take the Wheel" and read it BEFORE you decide. its all about having something reliable that will get you around the track.

Driving fast is loads of fun, but its no fun to break down, or cause the guy behind you to spin out. Its worth a little more up front, to make sure you are running at the end.


"...if its questionable on the road, DONT take it to the track."


This right here is precisely why I'm not gonna be doing the HPDE thing for a good while longer than planned. I'd rather have everything in order than "hope" it holds together while having the living snot driven out of it.

"...if its questionable on the road, DONT take it to the track."


This right here is precisely why I'm not gonna be doing the HPDE thing for a good while longer than planned. I'd rather have everything in order than "hope" it holds together while having the living snot driven out of it.


Your HPDE compadres will appreciate this too. Best way to completely tick off everyone else in your session is to blow up/oil down the track and kill their track time....

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