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AI and CMC featured in Feb. 05 Issue of Hot Rod


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Under the Heading of "What's HOT for 2005" on Page 46, the editors "bagged on Pro Touring for its poseur element" and promoted the "increased awareness of all-around performance" lately as vintage musclecars are hitting the racetracks. Nice pic of an early AIX Camaro and reference to NASA and the American Iron series.


On Page 84, Matt King starts Part 1 of his "How to build a Budget Race Car" and chronicles his CMC project Mustang.


Each new issue of Hot Rod seems be better than the last one! It's nice to see roadracing (and our organization) more in the mainstream!!!


-=- Todd

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Nope, it was a complete suprise.


Funny thing, I just started subscribing to HR again. I used to have a subscription when I was a kid but over the last 15 - 20 years it was rare that I lived in once place long enough to have a magazine subscription. So, when I got the second issue of my new subscription, I got quite a start seeing my car in there.


I did see the HotRod guys at the track in Vegas, but they didn't seem too interested in my car. Go figure.



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Congrats on your featured spot, Sean.


I'm glad to see this trend too. In the January issue of HotRod they featured a pretty radical road racing Chevelle owned by a guy from NY. I've been at Pocono with NASA when he's run and it's a blast to see how hard he drives that thing. And a few months before that they featured that radical tube frame '69 Camaro, I think from Calif. Needless to say, I love that car.


I hope HR mag keeps this up since it just further adds to my interest.

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I found it extremely strange as technically the 05 Mustang hasn't been categorized yet but there was a press release on it which must have been written at least 3 months ago.


Was it supposed to be a NASA press release or something that Mustang Monthly did on its own?

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It's the one currently on the news stand. You won't find it in the table of contents or anything but in the press release section in the front.

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