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Drive the car to the track or not?


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I want to drive my car to the track, but is that irresponsible considering the possibility my car may end up in a ball, esp since I have access to a Ram 2500 turbo diesel & car hauler? This is my 1st HPDE & it is a good distance from where I live.


Any thoughts,


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I wouldn't bother trailering your car to an HPDE1 or 2 event. You shouldn't be pushing yourself or your car too much in those events and you'll be under the watchful eye of an instructor (especially HPDE1). By far the majority of HPDE1/2 drivers drive their cars to the track and have no problems whatsoever. Plus, driving your car to the track is a lot more convenient than trailering.


OTOH, if you have access to a truck and a trailer and don't mind the hassle, then go ahead and trailer your track car. Personally, I think it's a bit overkill for HPDE1 but it's your call.


Have fun!

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Driving your "track car" to the track is only convenient if you have room for everything you need, and the car doesn't break. I have seen plenty of DE cars driven to the track, and trailered home.

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I am probably not the best guy to ask ( ) as I drove my time trials car to and from NASA Nationals in 06 and 07... but drive it there & back should be extra incentive to listen to the instructor and ease into things

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You may want to mention what kind of car you drive. I used to drive my miata without worry. But my turbo cars, and bigger power cars were a different story.

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You may want to mention what kind of car you drive. I used to drive my miata without worry. But my turbo cars, and bigger power cars were a different story.


I'm sorry, its a 2010 Genesis Coupe R-Spec equipped with 2.0 turbo from factory good for just over 200hp. Relatively slow compared to the V8 bimmer I traded in, but still peppy & fun. Waiting to do performance mods until I can out drive the car by recommendation of those on these forums.

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I always drive my MINI to track events. Most are about 200 miles each way. Back seats are gone so tires, jack, jackstands, tools, chair, cooler, and cloths/helmet all fit. Its definitely not the greatest driving experience with 50% stiffer springs and track alignment. It does help you work on spotting track irregularities.


And I like to remind myself that I have to drive the car home when waiting at grid to go out.


And it forces me to maintain it knowing that it has to complete the weekend AND get back home.

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For HPDE and Time Trials, it's common for people to drive the car to the track, and that's what I'd do. Accidents happen, but being more of a casual competition (Time Trials), or not a competition at all (HPDE), it's not often that someone balls up their car. I've driven my race car to the track before too, but it's much less common, and I'd strongly recommend towing when you're competing on that level... if nothing else, having a support vehicle, and extra room for tools and spares, is very useful.

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I used to drive my car to HPDE events, until I wrecked it - on the interstate on the way home - by hitting somebody's spare race wheel that fell off of their trailer!


Bought the car back from his insurance company for $375, and now I have a dedicated track car that gets trailered.

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I drove my car to the track for the first several years, and still do so on occasion. It somehow feels more pure to the concept of a "sports car" than having it arrive on a trailer. If you have an on-track incident, it's going to suck, and figuring out how to get your car home is only one of the ways in which it sucks.

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Thanks for your responses guys. I think I will do as I planned & drive it to the track. I'm 40yrs old & hopefully mature enough to pay close attention & not push my vehicle too hard during the 1st year of HPDE. Accidents happen, like Chuck said, even on the way home.

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I'm occasionally asked by my non car obsessed friends about the dangers of driving my car on track. My standard response as always been that the most dangerous part of my track weekend is the commute to the track and back home.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I trailer my HPDE car to the track, only because it is a dedicated track car with the intention of TT/HC in the future, and I already own the truck and trailer.


Most likely you will be able to drive your car home because it is brand new and most likely wont break down.


Accidents are rare in HPDE, but be aware they do still happen and it might be because that kid behind you in the brand new STI swapped his brake lines to SS but forgot to bleed them correctly and made your car his new hood scoop. Don't expect him to pay for your tow.


If the Track you are going to allows camping and the trailer you potentially have access to is an enclosed trailer, thats a different story. I would definitely bring it and sleep in it. Being at the track when nobody is on track is an equally awesome experience. Its like going camping with a bunch of your best friends, but instead these best friends have poured money into racecars like you want to and are up at the crack of dawn warming them up.


My trailer is an open trailer, so I sleep in a tent when its warm.


Good Luck

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Thanks Honda-Junky, I have an open trailer & diesel truck to pull with, but just as soon drive it during these early stages. I will pick up an enclosed trailer later on when I have some extra cash & deem it necessary. I like the idea of throwing up my tent at the track & hanging out like I used to do on poker runs with my 450R, but deifinately too cold right now...LoL

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If I had a truck and trailer I would tow it. I've seen many a person on the phone at the end of the day looking for a lift. Law of averages. If you tow it nothing will ever happen. But if you drive it something will break.

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