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Racing License question?

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I'm a new NASA member and currently have a Canadian Automobile Sports Club (CASC) B racing license. Is this license accepted at the NASA race events or must I apply for another license. Also, the NASA medical form is very similar if not identical to the CASC form. Would I need to have my Doctor fill out the NASA form as well? Any help would be appreciated.




Many other licenses are accepted, but it is done on a case-by-case basis. It's best to contact the director for the NASA region you'd like to run with. In my region I'd want to see your total experience and how you got your license to be able to tell you for sure. One email with some details about your racing history should suffice. We're just looking to make sure everyone is qualified and has about the same level of training.


We do accept medicals from other race sanctioning bodies if they also include the "non-NASA medical form disclosure" document ( see http://www.nasaproracing.com/forms.html ), but I can't tell you if the CASC one is close enough to count. That would be a question for your nearest regional director, or the national office.


You can get to any/all of the appropriate parties from http://www.nasaproracing.com/aboutnasa/regions.html


Hope it helps,




Thanks very much for the help and the contact information. I'll get in touch with the appropriate people.


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