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If you're not already aware of it, you should know that depending on which HANS device you have and when you bought it, yours may need recertified by the folks at HANS. Here's what it says in the 2012 NASA rules:






29.1 Head and Neck Restraint Systems

29.1.1 General

There is an up to date list of devices that are SFI 38.1 certified located here:  

http://www.sfifoundation.com/manuf.html#38.1.  If the device is not on this list it will not 

fulfill the use mandate.  As of April 1, 2012 all devices that have and SFI certification and 

are more than five (5) years old should be sent back to the manufacturer for rectification 

per SFI 38.1 specifications.  Those devices that have an FIA certification, whether they 

also have an SFI certification or not, are not required to be recertified.




I have read online several questions about this along with varying interpretations, some of which are mildly different than what the rule above actually says. So, just to make sure everybody is clear, here is how this is being treated by NASA: If (a) your HANS device has no SFI sticker or (b) it has an SFI sticker that is out of date, you need to have it recertified by HANS. If, on the other hand, yours has an FIA sticker, you are good to go without recertification.


Details of the HANS recertification program can be found here: http://hansdevice.com/SFI-Recertification-Program


Better to check now than find out at the track that you need yours re-upped.




This is an e-mail from Jerry Kunzman regarding the re-cert.




We had some more questions, so I am trying to clarify this. If someone is using a 38.1 device without an FIA tag (in addition), then it must be sent in to the manufacturer for rectification (at a nominal cost). Don’t ask me what it cost exactly but it’s likely to be in the $15-$40 range.


This new SFI mandate took effect Jan 1, 2012. However, there is now a grace period of enforcement until April 1, 2012. So, those that wait until April 1 and ask to slide until the next event shouldn’t get to slide. This is the period where they get to “fix it for next time.”


If a device has an FIA tag, with or without an SFI tag, then it does not need to be recertified to comply with our rules.


Please let all your tech people know, as well as your drivers, so there are no surprises.


Jerry Kunzman


Executive Director



Thanks Brian. Also, I got a note from Craig as US Race Gear concerning other manufacturers. It reads as follows:


The same requirements apply to the Hybrid, Hybrid Pro and R3 devices from Safety Solutions. If your device is more than 5 years old, you should send it back for an inspection. If nothing needs replaced, they will retag it for $15 plus shipping. If parts need to be replaced, obviously the cost will increase. The new Hybrid and Hybrid Pro devices will be coming with FIA certification only, so they will not need to be recertified.


If you intend to send your device back for inspection, call Safety Solution first to get a return number, Their number is 800-731-4404 ext 223. Their address is: 185 Rolling Hill RD, Mooresville Lakeside Business Park, Mooresville, NC 28117.


Anyone with other questions can call me at the number below.


Craig Friesinger, U.S. Race Gear



What about SFI approved DefNders under 5 years? Before production was suspended they were SFI approved.




Just found out that DefNder will also recertify devices. Also if there is limited stock in the US the Canadian distibutor still has stock and will ship to US.


Yea!!!! FIA stcker and patch! Finally, one thing that doesn't need recertified!

Yea!!!! FIA stcker and patch! Finally, one thing that doesn't need recertified!

Give it a few years. Someone will figure out a way to get us to reup somehow.


Just to be clear, a re-cert is good for 5-years ?

I had mine re-certified Dec-2009.

Just to be clear, a re-cert is good for 5-years ?

I had mine re-certified Dec-2009.

That is how I understand it.

Yea!!!! FIA stcker and patch! Finally, one thing that doesn't need recertified!

Give it a few years. Someone will figure out a way to get us to reup somehow.


Wait untill some SCCA scrutineer wonk decides that roll-cages undergo stress and starts requiring those to be recertified.


You guys are missing the point. What do you think they actually do in a recertification?

You guys are missing the point. What do you think they actually do in a recertification?

Replace the tether and take your money.

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