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starting racing

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hey guys if anyone could help i would really appreciate it. i am 15 and i really want to get into auto racing. i have experience with cars and go-karts and have ridden dirt bikes but i really want to start racing a car on a track. i am really interested in it and i am a talented driver but i have no idea where to start.

so please if you have suggestions or tips/advice it would really help.



Dave Gran's book is a good one I wish I could've gotten started at 15 - lucky dog!


Check out a NASA event in your area and start climbing the DE ladder - my $0.02


I'll second the NASA HPDE program. I raced a lot of different things before getting into road racing. The HPDE program taught me how to really drive (I thought I was a good driver too). Now I sit on poles, win races and set track records.




I'll agree with everything above and just have a couple things to add.


Find a teen "safety" course that gets you some wet skid pad time (its usually less expensive than a DE day). This will help with the inevitable spin.


Please remember the other drivers on the street are not looking far ahead, its not a race track. Pack your patience, keep your eyes up, anticipate what is going on in all those street cars around you.


As you get more practice on the track you'll start to realize that "eyes up, anticipate, patience" works in both places!

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