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. Seeking rental for BMWCCA OktoberFest HPDE - August 2013

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Beginning my search early.


The BMW Car Club of America (BMWCCA) is holding it's annual gathering, OktoberFest, in California this year. BMW enthusiasts from various parts of the country will converge on Laguna Seca this August (2013).


My daily driver / "track car" is a little BMW E30 325is. The trip from Kansas to Monterey would be a bit much for the little Rascal so we'll be flying. I would like to rent a suitable car for the HPDE and possibly the autocross. An E30 would be nice ... really nice ... but, will certainly consider alternatives. I'm a fairly low-level DE participant, just having a little fun.


NASA Norcal seems to have a vibrant Spec E30 program. Would there be any chance of renting a SE30 for one or two days of the HPDE??


New to the NASA Forums. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks






Bent Splitter plans to haul our cars to Ofest 2013 in Cali.

Send me an email and I will get you a quote. There will be 4 days of DE Weds-Sat and will have multiple cars available, including a Spec e30.


Bob Wright

Bent Splitter






Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply.


I will be with a couple of other fellows from Wichita, also probably wanting to rent a ride for one or two days of the HPDE.


dmmai1 cox com



Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply.


I will be at O'Fest with two other fellows from Wichita, both also wishing to rent a track car (HPDE) for one or two days each.


My e-mail:

dmmai1 cox com


I responded to you yesterday morning but the moderator/s have not posted my message yet.

Don't know why.



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