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SI/AI/AIX RCR procedure

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For immediate release

New American Iron RCR guidelines effective immediately for SI/AI/AIX


Update: 9/6/17


In an effort to improve the American Iron rule change request (RCR) process we have implemented a new RCR procedure. The most significant change is that we will take RCRs all season so we can give each one sufficient time and attention. Please note rules will NOT be changed mid season unless absolutely necessary. We are committed to the timeline below and we will release a rulebook on time. I will be managing this new process along with the help of your regional directors. For more information please contact your regional director or myself. Contact information can be found in the back of the AI rulebook.



1. Rule change requests (RCR’s) will be accepted all season from the release date of the previous years rule package until October 25th of the current year. Note rules will not be changed mid season unless absolutely necessary. Technical bulletins may be issued by Nasa as has been done in the past.

2. RCR’s must be submitted via email to the national director with a CC to your regional director. Please include which class & 'RCR' in the subject line.

3. RCR’s must contain the following: Name, region, contact info, class, rule number, recommended changes and reasoning.

4. RCR’s will be assigned a number for future reference, ie AIRCR-010113.

5. RCR’s will be prioritized and addressed by the regional and national directors all season.

6. RCR’s will be listed on the forums by October 25th for public comment.

7. New rules packages will be submitted to Nasa HQ for approval by November 1st.

8. New rules packages to be approved by Nasa HQ and released to the public by November 15th.


Timeline Commitment:


All season – RCRs submitted and addressed

Oct 25th – RCRs done. RCRs open for public comment.

Nov 1st – Rules pack submitted to Nasa HQ

Nov 15th – Rules approved and released



Thank you,


Albert Watson

Northeast AI/CMC Director

Edited by Guest

Thanks Al.


This should make off season planning a little smoother. Particularly for the warm weather regions.


Will this also be the process for SI?




This is for American Iron only. SI is being handled by Al F. in its first year.


We'll get this to sticky status shortly..




wondering, is there any reason why the rules for the next year cant be released before the end of the current season? for those of us that race til december and then start he next season early in february, knowing the rules in october or november would be helpful.

knowing the rules in october or november would be helpful.

From the timeline I saw above, it looks like the intent is to have next years rules published on November 15.




I'm not sure I have the exact answer to that. However in oct we will release all the RCRs for public comment. Nov 15th is the planned release of the next seasons rulebook. So everyone will have plenty of heads up prior to the start of the next season. If you look at the timeline in the initial post the rules have a few phases to go thru prior to being set in stone and each party needs ample time to accomplish things so if we try and move the timeline up to release earlier things get into the nationals and we dont want that. AL.




This new RCR process will be for SI, AI and AIX classes.


AL F. and I will be working together on the Spec Iron rules this year but please use the above process to submit your RCRs.


Thanks, AL W.

  • 4 weeks later...

Many thanks to the Leadership Team for stepping up and memorializing this process!

My "real life" is busier than it's ever been and this will help us to get things out more efficiently.

Please note, the timeline is no different than prior year's (goals), except this year...we'll get it out on time and stick to the deadlines!

  • 4 months later...



Your AI/AIX/SI leadership had a meeting the other night to discuss current RCRs and other things. So far we only have a few minor RCRs which have been addressed and one or two we are still kicking around. We are still committed to the timeline set above. If you have any RCRs please submit them per the procedure above and we will address them.


Thanks, AL.

  • 1 month later...



Oct 1st is the cutoff for any remaining 2013 RCRs, only 2 weeks to go..

  • 2 months later...

I wish I had an eta. The rules where handed off to the national director as planned on oct 15th but they appear to be mia at the moment.

  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...

2015 rule package update:


Your regional directors apologize for yet another delay in the rule package. Will Faules is temporarily overseeing the process and your regional directors will be getting a rule package to him for approval based on the timeline below. If you have an RCR please submit asap. Currently we have 7 SI, 2 AI and 1 AIX RCRs to address. All appear to be minor.


Thank you, AL Watson.



11/28/14 - deadline for RCRs. no RCRs after this point.

12/12/14 - RCR discussion done and marked up rulebook to Nasa HQ.

12/19/14 - Nasa to approve and publish rulebook online.




6. RCR’s will be listed on the forums by October 1st for public comment.



Thank you,


Albert Watson

Northeast AI/CMC Director


Currently we have 7 SI, 2 AI and 1 AIX RCRs to address.


Any chance we get to see those so we can comment on them?


In a few days once we get them all in hand we will post them up.




All RCRs have been received. All have been discussed. Currently marking up a draft of the 2015 rulebooks.


Update: 2015 SI/AI/AIX rules package has been sent to nasa HQ for approval and posting.

  • 1 year later...

With the East and West Championships being mid sept/oct we will modifiy our RCR timeline a little this year. So far we have not received much so I guess everyone must be in that happy place


All season – RCRs submitted and addressed

Oct 21st – RCRs done. RCRs open for public comment.

Nov 15st – Rules pack submitted to Nasa HQ

Nov 30th – Rules approved and released


If you have any please get them in by Oct 21st..

  • 2 weeks later...

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