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2018 Rules Suggestion Period is open.


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(submitted on behalf of Michael Gershanok)


Hi to All!


Today we will begin the NASA GTS rules suggestion process for 2018. This is your opportunity to submit and discuss potential rules for next year’s season. It will close on October 10th 2017. The draft of the 2018 GTS Rules should be in place by October 15th and the target date for the Final version to be ready by November 1st.


The GTS rules process consists of a submission and discussion period followed by review by series leaders. NASA officials may also submit rule proposals to align them towards overall series goals. The goal of the GTS rule process is to promote safety, growth and competition.


Rule submissions (or alterations) can be submitted on the NASA GTS forums found here: viewforum.php?f=44


A Topic/thread should be created with “Rule Proposal: (and a brief summary)” in the subject and then the content in the body. It is helpful to provide the following when submitting:


1. The proposed addition or change.

2. The reason behind the proposal

3. Any documentation supporting the request

4. Proposals to be submitted and signed by GTS members to be considered. (indicate Class and Region, please).


Thank you,


Michael Gershanok,

GTS National Leader.

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Require a standardized accelerometer, which provides peak hp/tqr traces. This would track compliance in a class thats primary rule set is based off of HP to weight.

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Reminder - Please create a new thread with


1. The proposed addition or change.

2. The reason behind the proposal

3. Any documentation supporting the request

4. Proposals to be submitted and signed by GTS members to be considered. (indicate Class and Region, please).

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The draft was submitted to the National office and expected to be posted by November1st.


In short, if all stays as proposed, the only change for the 2018 will be the adjustment of the CC limits for the GTS 4 up to 4950 cc from 4,0 L. That will accommodate S62s and some other older engines into GTS4, but will still keep the V10s out.

There will be some minor editing and clarifications in wording for the Dyno compliance at impound too.

Outside of that - the rules will stay the same, with no changes.


We are planning on working with new boxes through out 2018, collect and develop the data compliance protocol, which may trigger some changes for the 2019. That will also allow us to look into proposals like adjustment of the sequential gear box factor and some others equipped with actual data from cars instead of speculations based subjective opinions.


We also re-formatted the lay out of the text of the Rules to conform to the general NASA standard, but the actual content didn't change.


Michael G.

GTS Nat. Dir.

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