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Congratulations to VVC Champs

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I want to congratulate Thomas Glenn and James on their respective victories in VVCX and VVC1.


Glenn actually finished 1st overall in our run group, which is saying something. I had nothin' for him with my VVC2 C5. He was wicked fast


James, James, James, Shows up the moring of the race starts last and wins VVC1 outright. Good Driving.


Thanks Kevin!


It was great racing with you. I would say since you were basicly running a T1 car and turning the same times as the World Challenge cars you sure can drive!


Best of luck,



P.S. Go Horned Frogs!


Thanks Kevin. It was fun trying to catch you for the 1st few laps. See yall next year in some class. Maybe GPC?? Who knows?


Congrats....I have only 1 question. I failed to make the Nationals due to trailer mechanical failure. I did not get back on the road until Thursday. Missing the Manditory Wednesday Meeting, Since this was a manditory meeting & there were no phone numbers that i could find, and nothing was ever said about what would happen if the meeting was missed, i decided not to attend. Would i have been able to race with you all?


Yeah. I didnt make the meeting. I was sitting in a hospital room with the wife waiting for a baby when the meeting was happening.


That is right. Congratualtions again! Didn't you have a son?


We had a girl. Catherine Marie.


She si our first child. Man.. What a life changing event.

Would i have been able to race with you all?


We could have worked around that. I heard the RD for the group was firm but fair & understanding.

We had a girl. Catherine Marie.


She si our first child. Man.. What a life changing event.


Congrats Jaymz



Yeah Congrats to everyone as well.


I sure wish that POS car of mine didn't act up!!! I had one problem after another...never went out for more then 2-3 laps before some other problem came up. But after it blew the PS hose in Sat's qualifying race and almost caught the car on fire I knew it was time to go home.

It seems like VVC had the most carnage. WIth Frank and James(well almost) not making it. And Stu's viper almost burning down...

Maybe next year Kevin will get the new class up and running and we will have a field like the AI boys.


Kevin...send Jim Pantas ( the director of the SE region) an email so he can start the new class at the beginning of the 2007 season.


I am working on it. I had a conference call with John and Shannon, our local region director, to workout some of the class philosophy. I am expecting good things.


If I may add a coment for GPC, "Drivers and owners of cars must be one in the same." ie no hiered guns.

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